PROACTIVE    We encourage the organizations to anticipate and manage risks, continuously improve, and take preventive actions to achieve long-term success and sustainability.
SYSTEM INTEGRATION / FOCUS We at PSHM, ensures that we uphold and maintain an effective and certified ISO 9001 and 45001 Management system across all PSHM department. We emphasize on  the meeting the requirements of ISO standard, legal and statutory requirements  and expectations of our patients and relatives. We also implement and  maintain an  effective ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (non-certified)
HEALTHY We emphasize the importance of preventive measures, and healthy lifestyle choices to avoid illness and maintain overall well-being. We believe that health is wealth and a healthy workforce will surely improve the quality of care we provide to our patient.
MOTIVATED We at PSHM maintain determination and persistence despite challenges, embracing continuous learning and self improvement, cultivating enthusiasm and energy towards goals objectives and aspirations.
GENUINE CONCERN FOR PATIENT WELFARE We at PSHM care instinctively for our patients, guests, and colleagues as naturally as we breathe. All our inputs (plans and actions) emanate genuine concern which translates into quality and personalized output.
RESPONSIBLE ACTION We know our responsibilities by heart and we give our best in whatever we do. Every action is well thought-out. We plan the care of our patients. We put our skills and knowledge into practice.
OPEN-MINDEDNESS We are not afraid of trading our old tried and true ways with new fangled concepts that would further improved the quality of our service and the effectivity of the dominant culture. At PSHM, there is always room for creative improvements and growth.
WORTHY OF CONFIDENCE We at PSHM, treat patients, visitors, and business partners with utmost courtesy and respect. We value our reputable corporate image. All company transactions are legitimate. We maintain healthy competition with other hospitals. Our company members are trained to keep the company’s reputation virtuous. We are every ounce worth our customers’ confidence.
TENACITY FOR SUCCESS We at PSHM are success-driven. We focus on realistic goals instead of worrying about hindrances. We do not give up easily. We combine our resources and skills and help each other to overcome our weaknesses. We then, try to improvise to make things work. The triumph of one belongs to all. Â
HARMONIOUS WORKING ENVIRONMENT As members of one family, we all learn to accept everyone’s weaknesses. We know that everyone has valid and special contribution to the company. We transcend our personal differences to work as a team because the inner workings of the operations depend on this. In the end, the exercise of tolerance and cooperation will result to everyone’s social and professional maturity. Â